As president Barrack Obama walked onto the podium to take the oath the crowd went wild. He looked at the millions of people then he swore an Oath on the same bible as Abraham Lincoln used when he was sworn in. Now our first African American president Barrack Obama has taken the white house by a storm. On his list on Tuesday the 20th 2009 he had a quiet breakfast with family. Followed by his swearing in and inaugural address. He then watched the parade through a bullet proof glass window. After that he and first lady Michelle Obama went to all 10 inaugural balls in Washington D.C. The music varied from slow dancing or hip hop. The president danced to all of them.
Barrack Obama walked down the blue carpet on the east steps of the capitol building about to become the 44th president people were filled with ecstasy. He took the podium and said “ I Barrack Hussein Obama do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." These were the historic words he said on the start of a great day. He then walked down Penn Ave spiting what the secret service and the government had told him to do, he walk to the white house. At one of the morning prayers that Obama undertook he learned that “In the time of crisis, good men must stand up.” I guess he was that good Man. This article tells us about the Jam packed day our new commander and chief had. That he would spite the C.I.A and walked down Penn Ave just so that he could see his supporters. This shows we are in for a long run With Barrack Obama.
Out of the 10 inaugural balls everyone said the best one was the one in the Neighborhood. Barrack and Michelle danced to a slow song together. Every one was saying that Michelle’s dress was drop dead gorgeous. She was described as “the ravishing first lady” President Obama was called “ the dapper president Obama.” Barrack and Michelle danced the night away making appearances at 10 different Balls. It was a hectic Night but they went to all ten and split time between them all. What this article is about is the Obama families perfect end to a day. The commander in chief and the first lady dancing was a sight most people will never forget.
I think that this was a very historical day. It was a wake up call for America. It is telling us to relive the american dream. Being at the inauguration the way people shouted and screamed for Obama was amazing. His speech was very captivating and it captured everything he is about. He then told us this “Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested, we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back, nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.” these words spoke to me and said that hey if he can do why can’t you.
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