This is a blog response based on the research of
Sickle cell anemia
The disease is sickle cell anemia and this is what i found out. First this is a birth defect meaning you have it when you are born. The blood in is formed like a sickle meaning a c. It is a disease found more often than not in African Americans and hispanics. The moleccular acctivity is that the genes are mutataed by amino acid. It was found in the year 1910. symptoms are
shortness of breath, dizziness,Headache ,Coldness in the hands and feet, Pale skin and
Chest pain. It is not a lifelong disease it can be cured by a bone marrow transplant. In total sickle cell anemia is a very lethal disease for sickle cells do not last very long.This article was very informational and it helped me understand what this disease is about, furthering my knowledge on geneticaly mutated diseases.
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